Thursday, January 26, 2012


What is your vision statement for your major project? 
Viral videos that document Detroit Summer's work with Real Media and show the power of putting tools in youth's hands to have them dream out loud.  Lets Document and teach a new vision for education: How it happens, who's in charge, what "students" and "teachers" walk away with.
What ideas do you have for your major project? 
There's no reason why youth shouldn't be solving their community's problems through project based education.  Taking charge of the vision of their media projects. Instead of prerequisites and tests lets give students surveys to find out what they wanna learn and support them in learning that.
What are you planning to investigate and how does it support your vision of Detroit’s Future? 
Why is our current form of education not working? What can we do to fix it? What is youth's role in envisioning a new type of education? If art media poetry and music projects are at the forefront of our educational system youth will invent projects and put themselves in situations where they need to learn the techniques to achieve their vision and express themselves.
What media skills do you need/want for to complete your major project?
video editing, video and video, sprinkle web, I'd love to learn how to make a blog super hype tho. We're currently writing a curriculum backwards by documenting our plans and actions as we work in SW Detroit so some curriculum writing would be sweet

Monday, January 23, 2012

Detoit Future Media workshop day 1:

Today we asked ourselves a lot of questions in order to narrow down what our video will be about and who the characters and the target audience are.  Honing the vision for my major media project with every class!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Detroit Future Media is awesome!

I love the organizing crew! I love my classmates! I feel like this is gonna be very productive.